Rabbi Menachem Mendel Benshimon


As we find ourselves at this significant milestone, marking a decade since we were privileged to make the journey to the Holy Land and reestablish the special Yeshiva Tzeirei HaShluchim in the holy city of Tzfat, the very institution where I started my personal journey. There are no words to express the appreciation we have to hashem for giving us the remarkable privilege of participating in the education of these precious souls. And help guide them to live their life's happily, healthy, and infused with an unbreakable bond with hashem in every facet of their lives, in alignment with the will of hashem, and based on the teachings of the Rebbe.

 Our objective within this esteemed Yeshiva is to imbue the students with a profound connection to Hashem that permeates every aspect of their lives. By nurturing this bond, we equip them with the powers to navigate life's challenges, instilling within them a deep understanding of their life's purpose and empowering them to joyfully fulfill it, to the best of their abilities. We thank hashem for the merit to see the success and the growth of the students of the yeshiva, as well as when they continue on their journey in life, for years to come the connection remains, When queried about the secret behind the Yeshiva's remarkable success in inspiring its students and transforming them into beacons of inspiration for others, the answer is clear. We recognize that our efforts are not solely fueled by our own capabilities, but rather by the divine powers bestowed upon us. And with the blessings of the Rebbe, our role is simply to serve as faithful messengers, striving to fulfill our duties to the utmost of our abilities. 

As we commemorate now 30 years since Gimmel Tammuz, although we still perceive the Rebbe's presence in our lives and embrace his guidance, we pray and plead to hashem that we reunite with the Rebbe with the arrival of Moshiach Tzidkenu speedly in our days. Amen.

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